The parachute system on our fleet of Cirrus aircraft is designed to protect occupants in the event of an emergency by lowering the aircraft to the ground after deployment. This innovation revolutionized aviation safety by providing an additional measure of safety to occupants, similar in theory to the role of seatbelts in automobiles. Cirrus is the only certified general aviation aircraft manufacturer in the world to provide this safety feature as standard equipment.
The key to what Cirrus Perspective adds is multi-layered prevention incorporating both passive features that are nearly transparent during flight and active features that reduce pilot workload. Cirrus is unique in general aviation for offering technology such as digital “smart” servos in the autopilot, ESP, hypoxia check, automatic descent mode and autopilot with underspeed protection and stall prevention.
These are just a few of the many layers of safety that give our pilots and passengers peace of mind.
In addition to the single pilot, The SR22 can accommodate up to 3 adult passengers or a family of 4 depending on child size.
The Cirrus SR22 range varies depending on the weight on-board. At typical payload conditions, the aircraft can travel about 660 nautical miles. The absolute maximum distance this private aircraft can fly soars up to 1,100 nautical miles
With two nozzles positioned just below the windscreen, in addition to any fluid slung rearward by the propeller, our pilots are assured of an unobstructed forward view. Endurance for the system is increased to 150 minutes at Normal flow rates, 75 minutes when High is selected, and the Max rate affords a total of 37.5 minutes of anti-ice capability, in two-minute bursts, during periods of higher accretion.
Cirrus Perspective is unique in general aviation. It provides a newly upgraded avionics platform and a fully-integrated aircraft. We are proud to be flying Cirrus equipped aircraft with the latest Cirrus Perspective technology.
Based on infrared technology pioneered in the military and law enforcement, EVS sensors allow our pilots to see up to three times further through some low-visibility conditions like mist, rain and the dark of night, giving our pilots a real-time, unobstructed and hyper-realistic view of the terrain ahead. For pilots flying precision and non-precision approaches into challenging airports, or identifying clouds while flying VFR at night, EVS advances pilot situational awareness to levels never before realized in a single-engine piston aircraft.